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Prime ministers lock down extension a welcome step : Ruheena shahzad



Srinagar April 14 : Senior leader BJP Ruheena shahzad has welcomed the decision of the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to extend the lockdown in the country till 3rd May. She said that the decision was the echo of the aspiration of the nation to fight the killing virus. “We all need to adhere to the restrictions more strictly than before as we are now passing through the critical phase of the fight which will decide the fate of the nation”, said Ruheena

She expressed her hope that the people of this land of immense strength will stand united in this fight for survival with more power to contain this unseen enemy right here. Lauding the Corona Warriors fighting for all the people at frontline, Ruheena shahzad said that we have to encourage and laud these real time heroes for everything they are doing to protect us. Praising the seven appeals made by the Prime Minister, BJP leader said that we all need to follow strictly the appeals of Modiji and inform and mobilise others to adhere to these basic requisites which will help us in our fight. She appealed to all to download Arogya Setu App for enabling us to devise a better Covid- tracking mechanism. “The huge donations/ contributions given by the countrymen to the PM Cares and the State/UT Relief funds speaks volumes about the strength of this country”,said BJP leader Ruheena.

She requested all departments and individuals associated with execution of the Central Government initiated Gareeb Kalyan Yojna to take extra pains and caution to impliment the welfare and sustainance measures at the grass root level so that all needy people are helped and fed during these trying times”, said Ruheena shahzad also extended the PM’s appeal to Private Sector to take care of their employees in these times of extraordinary nature. She said that when whole world is praising the Covid-19 management in India under the leadership of Prime Minister, we all need to strictly adhere to the official guidelines which are issued under the medical expert supervision for the benefit of us all.

Hailing the efforts of Union Health Ministry, Ruheena said that the medical system in whole of India speaks a lot about our prepardness, expertise and pandemic management and it was our responsibility to co-ordinate and co-operate with our medical staff so that they are able to serve us better. She also thanked all volunteers who were doing exemplary work in helping the needy and poor people around us. Ruheena shahzad also lauded the efforts of the UT administration under the leadership of Lt Governor Shri Girish Chander Murmu for the satisfactory management of the situation in J&K.

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