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Two-day workshop for ISAs on JJM commences in Leh


LEH, July 01: A two-day workshop for the Implementing Support Agencies (L3 functionaries) of both Leh and Kargil districts on Jal Jeevan Mission organised by the District Water and Sanitation Mission, Leh and the Public Health Engineering Department, Ladakh in collaboration with We The People, Key Resource Centre commenced at DC Conference Hall today.

Deputy Commissioner, Leh, Shrikant Suse stressed the importance of community ownership and contribution towards operation and maintenance (O&M). He also exhorted the role ISAs should play in strengthening and developing the sense of community ownership among the JJM beneficiaries. He added that the training module is specifically designed for the L3 functionaries to enhance their roles and responsibilities.

Speaking on the occasion, Superintending Engineer, PHE Leh, Sonam Angchuk urged the ISAs to take maximum benefit of the training programme and execute the learnings on ground level.

Executive Engineer, PHE Leh, Mohd Ali said that awareness among the beneficiaries in a village from the Sarpanch to each villager by the ISAs would ensure community ownership and participation for the successful implementation of the JJM. The resource person Ajay Mahapatra from We The People highlighted the role of ISAs and added that the ISAs play an important role in the three main phases of the JJM project execution i.e. pre-implementation, during implementation and post-implementation. He stressed that the success of the ISAs work is determined by the key performance deliverables which are the outcomes, such as community ownership, and grievance redressal mechanism among others.

Besides the role and responsibilities of the Implementing Support Agencies, the two-day training programme for the ISAs of both the Leh and Kargil districts would emphasis a range of other topics, including the Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs) role under JJM and O&M of Water and Sanitation Schemes, Grey Water Management, Information, Education and Communication (IEC) activities, water source sustainability, water recharge and social audit as well.

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