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Waste Management Strategy for Ladakh reviewed


LEH, July 1: A meeting was held under the Chairmanship of the Advisor, Ladakh, Umang Narula to review the implementation of the various statutory Waste Management Rules. The concerned officials apprised the Advisor about the Action Taken Report.


In a detailed presentation, the key agendas were discussed viz. NGT Compliance; status of UT level Solid Waste Management (SWM) Policy, Strategy and Action Plan; UT level Plastic Waste Management Strategy and Action Plan; consent to establish and consent to operate for Leh and Kargil Sanitary Landfill Sites (SLFs); Status of Solid Waste Management bye-laws for each of the local bodies (Urban/Rural); preparation of Micro Action Plans for SWM for each of the local bodies (Urban/Rural); status of SWM Information, Education and Communication (IEC)/ Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) and Capacity Building Action Plan for each of the local bodies (Urban/Rural); hazardous and e-waste handling, etc.

The officials of the Consultant Agency apprised the Advisor about the status of UT level policy, strategy, and action-plan for SWM regarding which a detailed plan of action has been incorporated with targeted intervention for various categories of waste generators; decentralization of biodegradable waste management; promotion of home composting; greenhouse technology; and urban agriculture.

It was informed in the meeting that the process of MoU with PAGIR is ongoing for the recycling of paper and cloth waste. Also, options for recycling and reuse of shredded multi-layer plastic Construction and demolition (C&D) waste in road construction are being explored with BRO, NHIDCL, and State PWD.

Advisor Narula instructed the DCs Leh and Kargil to closely monitor the progress of the projects and to identify landfill sites as per laid down setting criteria.

He also directed sustained awareness with Information, Education and Communication (IEC), and Behavioural Change Communication (BCC) activities for the people. He reiterated that a robust mechanism for the collection of fines from the violators should be maintained strictly as per the SWM bye-laws.

The Principal Secretary, Forest/Wildlife Department, Dr. Pawan Kotwal stressed completing the pending projects on time. He urged for the timely arrangement of a Capacity Building and Training program for waste pickers, waste collectors, sanitary workers, and functionaries involved in the collection, segregation, transportation, and disposal of solid waste. The concerned officials apprised that a week-long public sensitization and awareness campaign was flagged off at the Leh market on June 27, 2022. Awareness camps were also conducted at PYT Goshan, Drass block, Kargil. Also, Director, RDD conducted an awareness session for the BDC members, PRIs, and the shopkeepers at Drass.

The meeting was also attended by Principal Secretary, Forest/Wildlife Department; Member Secretary, Pollution Control Committee; Deputy Commissioner, CEO, LAHDC, Leh/Kargil; Director, Housing and Urban Development Department; Director, Rural Development Department; Director, Health and Medical Education Department; Representative from the Central Pollution Control Board and Assistant Director, Planning; Executive Officer, Municipal Committee, Leh/Kargil.

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